Often and forever.

IMG_0873What a difference a day makes!  What a massive life thumping change six weeks has made!

In the time it takes kids to make friends, break friends and bruise knees on their school holidays my little world has been positively and irreversibly transformed in so many ways.

It seems ridiculous almost, to be making these declarations when I’m not even half way through my adventure. There are many things on my important stuff list that I am yet to conquer but that almost doesn’t seem to matter. (Although don’t think for one second come the 18th June I won’t have ticked every one of them off!)

I am different.  My life is different.  What makes me happy has changed.

I wake up energised and want to fill my tummy with food that will make my body happy.  I stop eating when I am full!  This is from the girl who hoovered down food like a Dyson and whose big toes no matter how full could always find room for more.  And did… often!

I drink water.. ALOT of water.  I hated water!

I haven’t had a take away; chocolate bar; packet of crisps since I started and I genuinely have no desire to have them. I would turn them down if you offered them to me without a second thought.

I wake up on a Saturday morning ready to thrown a small round yellow ball at people in a church hall whilst screaming like a Banshee!

I feel fabulous nearly all of the time and have re discovered clothes that haven’t seen the light of day for at least 12 months.  Matching undies are the norm and I am walking tall and smiling wide.

I get excited knowing I will be hearing Stu’s ever so chipper knock on my front door at 6.30am and that  I am going to become a big sweaty; face pulling mess, as I learn how to do magical things with kettle bells, bulgarian bags & TRX.  Stuff I never thought possible I am doing.  It sometimes kills me but I do it and I love it.  And it’s making a difference.  After 3 weeks I’d lost over 3% body fat!

Most of all I have made a whole heap of the most amazing new friends that have welcomed me with open arms into their world.  We have trained together; twittered together; danced together, laughed more than I thought possible together and screamed and shouted at people to keep running together.

You are funny, inspirational and awesome and I feel completely privileged to be your friend.   You know who you are. THANK YOU!

I am completely energised, content and happy.  It’s working and I love it!!!